if you only knew the millions of things I want to say....but don't


transient moment


7,704 miles away from a most sentimental place I’ve called home for the last nine years. 7,704 miles away from my greatest half who has been the strong human refuge for over 25 years. 7,704 miles away from my precious miracle boy who was conceived the month his miscarried older brother was due. I trekked these miles with my youngest babes after taking the cursed “virus” test that has never even been isolated in the scientific labs. The so-called virus, that is. But we took this horrendous test to appease the government authorities who now require it for travel and entry into my other home country.

The actual flight path was 8,348 miles with four stops to final flight destination ….and there was only  ONE gentleman who had enough pity to ask if we needed help at one of our stops, with each kid carrying one back pack and me carrying four not so light carry-ons. The world needs to do better in raising gentlemen. The world of women needs to do better expecting men to behave as caring sympathetic gentlemen.  If you can’t humble yourself enough to expect that of men, then you will consequently be part of the population that refuses to raise caring gentlemen that could be making a substantial positive impact in the world. A real gentleman looks out for others, and not just himself. He raises boys and girls to do the same while modeling it himself.

But here I sit looking out across this small farm town pond. Longing for the strong hands that have held mine for over 30 years and the strong arms that’ve held me close just the same. The only human being that makes my world go ‘round as it should no matter how crazy the world gets. The man that helped me make a good home for seven human beings from the moment I birthed each one of them into the world.

This soul is also contemplating on the loss of the missionary community (back on the island) all because of a fake virus used to manipulate the entire world into Orwellian submission and dictatorship. A community that buckled into submission to the lies and the narrative/propaganda filled with holes and hypocrisy by all sold out governing authorities. And because of that our fourth child just barely finished a most significant year with her fellow TCK classmates and the whole class was denied concluding activities that were traditionally provided to give proper closure to their most sentimental life chapter before officially entering adulthood...and before they all go their separate ways to their home countries, most likely to never see each other again in the host country. The loss also came in part from refusing to allow our 5th child to be forced into the new long-distance education program because it simply does not suit him. A community also lost to us because we no longer had anything in common… more specifically, we could not join in the fear-mongering mentality that cripples humanity from living life as free humans in Christ.

So here we are 7,704 miles away having thought that a family emergency is what God was using to get us out of the dictatorial oppressive situation on the island… where children were banned from all public places or from running outside of their homes to play with their friends. Where we did all we could to still provide them freedom by taking them to restaurants that were not following the fear-mongering mandates, and where we could safely let them run out of the house to play outside with their friends in our one block gated neighborhood. Here we are now (on the other side of the world) enjoying walks to the park, the grocery store and to their cousins’ home. Where there is nothing but brain-boosting quiet nights and clean breezy air brushing our faces and lifting our hair. Where there are still quality sunsets worthy of a picture snap and framing on the wall. Where we can enjoy nice quiet sunsets reflected on the pond. Where there is the aromatic reminder that we’re now in American cow and pig country.

It is here we wait to see what God brings on the horizon. He brought us here to wait in peace and quiet so we can hear His voice and remember His steadfast love as we continue to seek His will.  It is here that we have found peace after having left city chaos overseas. Here we wait for the rest of the family to be reunited so that we may start the next chapter, wherever and whatever that be. It is Jesus who brought us here. In Jesus, we have nothing to fear. 

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