if you only knew the millions of things I want to say....but don't



Happy home stretch for her.

Painful transitional stretch for me.

Parenting comes with many blessings

And growing pains.

This is the last growth pain.

For it involves the final separation to her independence.

Did I equip her enough?

Did I disciple her enough?

The latter is very questionable to me.

Having proven herself wiser than many,

I am confident her wisdom will continue to grow as it should.

She’s proven me wrong about a lot of things.

But she’s also proven me right about many other things.

The mini me that mimics my attitude, demeanor, and sass,

May she go out into the world stronger than I did at her age.

Stronger mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

That’s what I pray for this independent adventurous flesh of my flesh.

Go with Jesus, dear one.

Go out into the world in full armor.

For many are there on the road towards full redemption,

Who will try to sew seeds of doubt and twisted reflections,

Calling evil good and good evil.

They will try to turn your eyes away from your Creator,

And call your faith irrational and without merit.

But remember all the times that God answered your requests

And assured you of His presence.

Keep your eyes rested on His Word,

Your soul comforted by His presence,

Your weaknesses replenished with His perfect strength,

Your doubts cradled in His perfect love,

Your concerns grounded in His perfect sovereignty,

Your anxieties in His perfect goodness,

And your fears in His perfect assurance.

....Nov 21st will forever be a painful memory of letting you fly from the nest.

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