if you only knew the millions of things I want to say....but don't



It bends and molds the one who’s heart is broken.

Challenged by new vulnerabilities, the heart struggles to stay the course of righteous intentions.

As it reaches into the new world of pain it looks for anything that resembles that which was lost before the pain and brokenness.

For a time the heart pounds in desperate search for comfort which proves brutally elusive.

But not all is lost. 

Even in a world flooded with brokenness and rebellion against a perfectly good God, where sin is the purveyor of such pain...

Grief dares us to seek his goodness.

Sorrow calls for satisfaction found only in Him.

Cruelty urges us to seek his comfort.

And pain opens the door to peace only he can give.

Thus comes a new and unrivaled understanding accompanied by new resolve and determination.

Broken pieces are picked up and refashioned with blessings that await.

As we continue the path towards full redemption, these newly fashioned treasure pieces redefine who we are.

Precious jewels of increased wisdom remind us of God’s intense passion to draw us closer to himself, grow us deeper in knowledge of Truth, increase our faith, and make us more like Him.

May the world witness God’s tenderness in our grief, compassion in our healing and strength in our growth.

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