if you only knew the millions of things I want to say....but don't


labrynthian sentiments and heart palpitations

the world renowned Manila view from Faith Academy
G U L P.....
early registration cut off is catching me off guard as I enroll only three kids [as oppose to five two years ago] for next school year (as we step out in faith and trust again). Only a fellow parent knows what its like to have your heart sink....and sink yet again...and NOT be able to measure the depth to which it sinks each time. God's GRACE is the only way the heart can keep pressing forward through the varying levels of emotional and psychological roller coastering through the process of nest emptying. Nothing fully prepares anyone. Nothing.

....And yet, from a more brutally truthful biblical perspective: There almost seems to be no time to cry over the gazillion fleeting moments passed, present and those fast approaching at screaming lightening speed. May God's grace equip parents to disciple goslings into his disciple makers, before they fly, for generations to come. For while we find ourselves in sentimental mourning, pining for those precious years passed, the URGENCY of ETERNITY is far more pressing with eternal consequences if not taken seriously.
Wow. What a JUXTAPOSITION: earthly transient family life in tangent with an indescribable urgency to prepare for ETERNITY (with fear and trembling....as Scripture says). Only God Almighty knows the labrynthian sentiments by which my heart palpitates and the capillaries seem to explosively pulsate in surreal moments like these.

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